Support Us
Your gift to Doane Stuart changes lives.
Doane Stuart lives its mission of educating students from every quarter through our commitment to Financial Aid. Your generosity enables the School to provide aid to nearly half the student body. Our challenging academics emphasize the joy of discovery and encourage critical thinking skills, not simply memorizing things for a test. Doane Stuart School maintains its commitment to social responsibility through community service; our history of respect for difference; and our goal of encouraging a strong foundation in faith.
The Annual Fund is critical to our operating budget. The money raised each fiscal year supports every part of Doane Stuart: academics, athletics, arts, building maintenance, faculty development, classroom supplies and more. Tuition revenue covers only a portion of the full cost of a Doane Stuart education. The Annual Fund and other philanthropic gifts must bridge that gap. We rely on support from Trustees, Parents (both current and former), Administration, Faculty, Staff, Alumni/ae, Grandparents, Corporations, Foundations and Friends to help bridge the gap. All gifts to Doane Stuart are tax deductible.
When considering a capital gift to Doane Stuart, we advise you to consult with us and with your legal/tax advisors.
The proceeds of The First Focus Campaign will concentrate on improving technology and growing and enhancing performing arts at Doane Stuart. Technology impacts every division and subject. First Focus, when successful, will provide essential resources for faculty, current students and students to come. Enhanced technology will insure a wider audience for our performing arts.
We are truly grateful for your support; generations of students will realize the benefits of your commitment.
To contribute to the Annual Fund on line click here, or contact our Development Office at (518) 465-5222, ext. 203, or [email protected].
Thank you for your generous dedication to Doane Stuart!