Parent/School Partnership
Parent/school communication is of the upmost importance at Doane Stuart. Our Communications Checklist provides an easy answer for where to direct specific questions or concerns.
What parents can expect from Doane Stuart:
1. Parents can expect that Doane Stuart will provide a thorough and thoughtful college preparatory education, that it will strive to maintain a safe, secure and welcoming environment for their children and that it will react vigorously regarding any rumors or report of danger or threats of danger.
2. Parents can expect regular communication about their children from the School, including term and interim report cards, other “early warning” messages (via telephone, e-mail, in writing or in person), and notification of School news and special events.
3. Parents can expect conferences and meetings with teachers, when necessary.
4. Parents can expect fair assessments of their children, thoughtfully and carefully presented in writing, and in person.
5. Parents can expect to be informed immediately if there is a serious disciplinary infraction involving their children.
6. Parents can expect timely notification if a child is encountering academic difficulties. Parents can expect to be kept informed of follow-up plans, actions and strategies.
7. Parents can expect that the School will demonstrate respect for the privacy of families in all interactions, including those that take place via computer.
8. Parents can expect that the School will model integrity and civility in all contacts with parents and students.
What Doane Stuart can expect from parents:
1. Doane Stuart can expect that parents will support, encourage and help to give order and certainty of concern to the lives of their children.
2. Doane Stuart can expect that parents will model civility and integrity for their children; and that parents will listen to, supervise and hold their children accountable, with consequences for inappropriate behavior.
3. Doane Stuart can expect that parents will support and endorse the philosophy and mission of our school; that they will do their best to attend school events and activities, including parent/teacher conferences; and that they will actively support and/or participate in events sponsored by the School.
4. Doane Stuart can expect parents to make timely payments of tuition and other expenses.
5. Doane Stuart can expect parents to support both the School’s efforts and their children’s responsibilities when children are experiencing academic or other difficulties.
6. Doane Stuart can expect parents to register dissatisfactions and concerns in a responsible and fair way, to understand the structure of operations and management at Doane Stuart, to use proper channels to communicate concerns, to give everyone the benefit of the doubt before judgment, and to seek a collaborative solution to problems.
7. Doane Stuart can expect that parents and students will respect the privacy of all individuals connected with the School, and will not disseminate information, comments or opinions about the School, its students or its personnel in electronic or written form.
8. Doane Stuart can expect that parents and students will model integrity and civility in all contacts with the School.